Thursday, December 31, 2020

Match Clothing to Body Type...

There are few things better than finding an outfit that flatters your figure. The thing is, if you don’t understand why certain things look great on you, it can be hard to keep finding new favorites. In actuality, it’s very simple it all boils down to body shape. Once you learn how to dress for your body type, it’s amazing how easy it is to build a wardrobe you love to wear. Keep reading to discover what body type you have and find the best clothes for your body type. It is safe to say that you are apple-formed, or pear-molded? As such, do you convey a greater amount of your weight on the top portion of your body, or the base half? In case you're hefty measured with a pear shape, Empire midsection dresses would look astonishing, as would A-line dress. In the event that you are tall and flimsy, a mermaid style or trumpet dress would be stunning. This is likewise valid for an hour line figure.

Dress for the apple body type.

To dress effectively for the apple body, you need to coordinate consideration away from your midsection and wear garments to highlight different parts.

Follow your bodyline and keep subtleties on the top and lower third of your body. With this body type, it is anything but difficult to wear shirts, pullovers or dresses with slight V-necks without looking excessively extravagant or over the top.

Distract from your midriff and shoulders/arms (wear long sleeves), and cause to notice your bust and neck (for example slipovers).

Dress for a pear body type.

The secret to dressing this body type is to wear whatever adds to your shoulder and bust region. Hold consideration regarding your chest area, by limiting the lower half.

Dress for a straight or rectangular body type.

With this body type, you may have a long, slim body that will in general need bends. It is now and again alluded to as a "innocent" profile. Your point is to wear garments that compliment your flimsy profile, separate, your outline, and make bends that go all over from the midriff zone.

Dress an hourglass body.

Evade whatever makes you look "square shaped"! You have outstanding bends, so grasp them.

Utilize your midriff as the point of convergence when dressing. This way to wear cozy garments and extras around the most slender piece of your midsection. Coordinating consideration here will make your bends stand apart considerably more.

"Style is Knowing who you are what you want to say, and not giving a damn."

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Tips for Classy Outfits & Style...

How would you characterize a work of art? There are exemplary movies, exemplary vehicles, abstract works of art, and obviously, the explanation that you are here: exemplary design.

I've recently shared how to customize your Classic Style with my Classic Styles Twists, as Edgy Classic or Soft Classic , however I believe it's time that we truly jump into embracing an exemplary style, will we? By definition, an exemplary is an exceptional illustration of a specific style, something of enduring worth or immortal in nature.



With regards to work clothing, think organized overcoats and custom fitted jeans for making a cleaned look. An appropriately fitted coat immediately arranges your look and can hoist basic shirts or a cotton-button up, while custom-made jeans are both complimenting and expert. A sheath dress can be exchanged up with an overcoat, a cardigan, layered with a shirt pullover, or worn all alone. A couple of isolates can make up an assortment of outfits: sweaters, shirts, skirts, cardigans, coats, dresses.

Lower leg pants are additionally extraordinary for easygoing Fridays, while as yet nailing that impeccably set up look. What's more, remove a page from Grace Kelly's style book and pair the lower leg pants with a sleeveless turtleneck in an unbiased tone.

Goodness, and the quintessential exemplary staple – an overcoat. The hero of the exemplary closet, the ideal expansion for work, evening, just as the ordinary look. The more Minimal Classic you are, the more you may incline toward a solitary breasted raincoat.


Striped tees are ideal for accomplishing the easily cool French young lady look. Pair with dark thin pants and red lipstick for an outdoors informal breakfast with sweethearts or a day out at the historical center.

Wide-legged jeans with a fitted shirt carry both style and solace to the end of the week, or select a pencil skirt to lift your search for an extraordinary event.


Wrap dresses offer a complimenting and immortal outline. The LBD (minimal dark dress) was made by Coco Chanel for the exemplary lady, however it doesn't generally need to be dark. Tie up a low bun and pair with straightforward hoops and heels, or choose a grip and strappy shoes. Both make a totally exquisite, set up, complain free look.

What's more, for crisp nights? A wrap, or, you got it, the ideal raincoat.

"The joy of dressing is an art."

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Different ways to kick off positive development in your life...

The everyday decisions you make impact whether you keep up imperativeness as you age or create life-shortening ailments and handicapping conditions like coronary illness, diabetes, hypertension, and stroke. You may see precisely what you need to do to appreciate a more beneficial, more joyful life: cut out an ideal opportunity to work out, maybe, or figure out how to tighten down pressure. There's only one hitch. You haven't done it at this point. 

Regularly, the greatest obstacle is idleness. The facts demonstrate that it is difficult to change instilled propensities like heading to close by areas as opposed to strolling, suppose, or going after a doughnut rather than an apple. In any case, continuously running after change improves your chances of accomplishment. Here are a few procedures that can assist you with establishing positive development in your life, regardless of what change (or changes) you'd prefer to make. 

Seven stages to shape your own arrangement 

Molding your own arrangement begins with defining your first objective. Separate decisions that vibe overpowering into minuscule advances that can help you succeed. 

Select an objective. Pick an objective that is the best fit for you. It may not be the principal objective you believe you ought to pick. In any case, you're substantially more prone to succeed in the event that you set needs that are convincing to you and feel achievable as of now. 

Ask a major inquiry. Do I have a major dream that sets with my objective? A major dream may be running a long distance race or climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro, squirming once more into a wardrobe loaded with garments you love, scaling back circulatory strain medicine, or messing around and sports enthusiastically with your kids. Single word to the shrewd: on the off chance that you can't eloquent a major dream, don't get hung up on this progression. You can even now prevail with regards to advancing toward your objective through these different methodologies. 

Pick your decision for change. Select a decision that feels like a definite wager. Would you like to eat more advantageous, stick to work out, diet all the more successfully, ease pressure? It's ideal to focus on only each decision in turn. At the point when a specific change finds a way into your life easily, you would then be able to zero in on the following change. 

Submit yourself. Make a composed or verbal guarantee to yourself and a couple of allies you would prefer not to let down: your accomplice or youngster, an educator, specialist, chief, or companions. That will urge you to trudge through difficult situations. Be express about the change you've picked and why it makes a difference to you. In the event that it's a stage toward a greater objective, incorporate that, as well. I'm making a guarantee to my wellbeing by intending to go for a careful stroll, two days per week. This is my initial step to a greater objective: doing a pressure lessening movement consistently (and it encourages me meet another objective: getting a half-hour of activity consistently). I need to improve, my disposition improves, and I'm more patient with loved ones when I facilitate the pressure in my life. 

Scout out simple deterrents. Possibly you'd love to have a go at contemplating, yet can't envision having the opportunity to do it. Or then again maybe your desires for eating more advantageous steer into the rocks in case you're eager when you stroll through the entryway around evening time, or your kitchen cupboards and fridge aren't very much supplied with solid nourishments. 

Conceptualize approaches to jump over hindrances. Presently consider approaches to conquer those barriers. Not sufficient opportunity? I'll get up 20 minutes ahead of schedule for activities and fit in a 10-minute stroll before lunch. Pantry uncovered of solid decisions? I'll consider five to 10 solid nourishments I appreciate and will put them on my staple rundown. 

Plan a straightforward prize. Is there a prize you may appreciate for a job done the right way? For instance, on the off chance that you hit most or the entirety of your imprints on arranged exercises for multi week, you'll treat yourself to a lavish expenditure with cash you saved by stopping smoking, a sumptuous shower, or simply a twofold aiding of true iTunes application "Attaboy." Try to avoid food rewards, since this methodology can be counterproductive.

  • "One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth."

Monday, December 28, 2020

Easy Steps To Let Go Of Regrets And Forgive Yourself...

You know the occasion. It happens just after you understand you accomplished something you wish you didn't do. Possibly you broke somebody's trust and now the blame is overpowering you. Perhaps you bargained your employment somehow or another and now you're alarmed your reality will come slamming down

Despite what you did, you can feel your tension like a heap of intensely hot bowling balls precisely embedded in your stomach. (Sensational? Indeed. Lament is seldom sensible!) 

It's that feared "Acceptable God! Gee golly! What was I thinking? Why me?" second when you consider one two things: 

  • I accomplished something I shouldn't have and I probably won't have the option to fix it. 
  • I accomplished something I shouldn't have, so I will lose something significant. 

Both of those things may be valid. Truth be told, they frequently are. Activities do have results. We do lose things—all through life. Nothing is perpetual, not even the most secure relationship. However, none of this must be cataclysmic. 

In some cases losing one thing frees you up to something different. It very well may be an exercise that causes you be more viable and more joyful later on, or it very well may be an additional opportunity you never at any point thought to look for (like that fantasy you set off to work the occupation you just lost). 

Or on the other hand perhaps it won't profit you in any perceivable manner immediately. How about we consider a spade a spade—possibly you'll wish you went an alternate way, lament what you lost, and afterward in the long run let it proceed to proceed onward. 

The fact is you will in the end give up and proceed onward. 

Furthermore, on the grounds that you're a solid, savvy, skilled individual, you'll discover approaches to make this new course significant for you. To compensate for what you lost by picking up something similarly significant in the consequence, regardless of whether it's another comprehension of your qualities, a groundbreaking thought of who you need to be, or another occasion to attempt again somewhat more astute. 

It's difficult to imagine that way when you feel your fantasy work getting past you, or you miss somebody who made your life more extensive than it might be long. What's critical to recollect is that regardless of what changes or sneaks away, you can at present accomplish something significant and satisfying right from where you are.

“Every new day is another chance to change your life.”

Saturday, December 26, 2020

How to set goals in life!!!

 Many people feel as if they're adrift in the world. They work hard, but they don't seem to get anywhere worthwhile. A key reason that they feel this way is that they haven't spent enough time thinking about what they want from life, and haven't set themselves formal goals. After all, would you set out on a major journey with no real idea of your destination? Probably not!

How to Set a Goal

First consider what you want to achieve, and then commit to it. Set SMART (specific, measureable, attainable, relevant and time-bound) goals that motivate you and write them down to make them feel tangible. Then plan the steps you must take to realize your goal, and cross off each one as you work through them.

Goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about your ideal future, and for motivating yourself to turn your vision of this future into reality.

The process of setting goals helps you choose where you want to go in life. By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, you know where you have to concentrate your efforts. You'll also quickly spot the distractions that can, so easily, lead you astray.

Why Set Goals?

Top-level athletes, successful businesspeople and achievers in all fields all set goals. Setting goals gives you long-term vision and short-term motivation . It focuses your acquisition of knowledge, and helps you to organize your time and your resources so that you can make the most of your life.

By setting sharp, clearly defined goals, you can measure and take pride in the achievement of those goals, and you'll see forward progress in what might previously have seemed a long pointless grind. You will also raise your self-confidence , as you recognize your own ability and competence in achieving the goals that you've set.

Starting to Set Personal Goals

You set your goals on a number of levels:

  • First you create your "big picture" of what you want to do with your life (or over, say, the next 10 years), and identify the large-scale goals that you want to achieve.
  • Then, you break these down into the smaller and smaller targets that you must hit to reach your lifetime goals.
  • Finally, once you have your plan, you start working on it to achieve these goals.

This is why we start the process of setting goals by looking at your lifetime goals. Then, we work down to the things that you can do in, say, the next five years, then next year, next month, next week, and today, to start moving towards them.

"A goal without a Timeline is just a DREAM."

Friday, December 25, 2020

How to Make a Vision Board That Actually Works!!!

When we were children, we would daydream all the time. We were skilled at dreaming and visualizing what we would be when we grew up. We believed that anything was possible. As we grew into adults, we lost our ability to dream. Our dreams became hidden once we started to feel like achievingour dreams was impossible.

A dream board is a great way for you to start believing in your own dreams again. Seeing your dreams every day on a dream board brings them life. It will also act as a daily reminder to refocus your energy and direct it toward what you really want to achieve.

Vision board thoughts and models are inconceivably helpful and persuasive when making your own. I've planned this post to tell you the best way to make your own vision sheets and how to utilize them to expand your representation practice!

Otherwise called dream sheets, these

basic gadgets are perhaps the most significant representation instruments accessible to you. The uplifting compositions fill in as your picture of things to come – an unmistakable model, thought or portrayal of where you are going. They ought to speak to your fantasies, your objectives, and your optimal life.

By speaking to your objectives with pictures and pictures you will really fortify and animate your feelings on the grounds that your brain reacts emphatically to visual incitement… and your feelings are the vibrational energy that initiates the Law of Attraction. The expression "words usually can't do a picture justice," surely remains constant here.

On the off chance that you have just characterized your fantasies, it's an ideal opportunity to outline them outwardly.

What is a Vision Board?

A dream board is a perception apparatus which alludes to a leading group of any kind used to fabricate an arrangement of words and pictures that speak to your objectives and dreams.

They can be purchased from an expert provider or made with stopper or banner sheets. By putting visual portrayals of your objectives into one space, you can without much of a stretch envision them as often as possible. Making sure to take a gander at them every day and envision them as though they have just worked out is perhaps the most ideal approaches to actuate the Law of Attraction.

How Do You Use a Vision Board for Goal-Setting?

The most ideal approach to accomplish your objectives is to keep them top of psyche, so you're continually searching for approaches to draw yourself nearer to them – and a dream board is the ideal device to assist you with doing that.

By putting a dream board some place you can see it consistently, you will incite yourself to picture your optimal life consistently. Also, that is significant on the grounds that perception actuates the inventive forces of your psyche and projects your mind to see accessible assets that were consistently there however gotten away from your notification. Through the Law of Attraction, representation likewise polarizes and pulls in to you the individuals, assets, and openings you need to accomplish your objective.

By adding a representation practice to your day by day schedule, you will normally turn out to be more propelled to arrive at your objectives. You'll begin to see you are out of the blue doing things that draw you nearer to your optimal life. Unexpectedly, you end up electing to assume on greater liability at work, standing up at staff gatherings, approaching all the more straightforwardly for what you need, and facing more challenges in your own and expert life – and encountering greater settlements.

"If you want it, work for it."

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Tips for Finding Your Purpose in Life.!!

"How would I transform me?" If you're posing this inquiry, recall that the something consistent in our life is change. The more we oppose it, the harder our life becomes. Rather than keeping away from it, ask how you can transform yourself to function with the progressions occurring around you.

We are encircled by change, and it is the one thing that has the most emotional effect on our lives. There is no evading it since it will discover you, challenge you, and power you to reevaluate how you carry on with your life.

Change can come into our lives because of an emergency, decision, or possibility. In any circumstance, we are totally confronted with settling on a decision – do we roll out the improvement or not?

We can't stay away from the startling occasions in our lives. What we can control is the way we decide to react to them. It is our capacity of decision that empowers us to actuate positive change in our lives.

Following up on our capacity of decision furnishes us with greater occasion to transform ourselves to improve things. The more open doors we make to transform us, the more satisfied and more joyful our lives become.

Discover Meaning

Invest some energy attempting to figure out what is significant in your life and why it is significant.

Would could it be that you need to accomplish in your life? What are your fantasies? What makes your upbeat?

Your importance in life gives you reason and sets the course of how you need to carry on with your life. Without importance, you will spend the remainder of your life meandering capriciously with no heading, center, or reason.

Do you have a sense of purpose?

For decades, psychologists have studied how long-term, meaningful goals develop over the span of our lives. The goals that foster a sense of purpose are ones that can potentially change the lives of other people, like launching an organization, researching disease, or teaching kids to read.

Indeed, a sense of purpose appears to have evolved in humans so that we can accomplish big things together—which may be why it’s associated with better physical and mental health. Purpose is adaptive, in an evolutionary sense. It helps both individuals and the species to survive.

Many seem to believe that purpose arises from your special gifts and sets you apart from other people—but that’s only part of the truth. It also grows from our connection to others, which is why a crisis of purpose is often a symptom of isolation. Once you find your path, you’ll almost certainly find others traveling along with you, hoping to reach the same destination—a community.

“Good luck is another name for tenacity of purpose.”

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Importance of Body Language in Day to Day Life!!!

Non-verbal communication is of most extreme significance in this exceptionally serious world. The corporate area esteems great non-verbalcommunication a ton and any indication of terrible non-verbal communication can break bargains, in any event, prompting deficiency of organization for individuals.

A familiar proverb says "Activities express stronger than words". Our body pose, alongside its developments and situation of various body parts, assume a significant job in letting out our sentiments and feelings, regardless of whether we don't show the feelings willfully.

Emphatic Behavior

A positive non-verbal communication encourages the individual to be more emphatic and helps with putting their assessment forward more effectively than the others. Positive non-verbal communication is loved by others and subsequently, the individual conveying a positive non-verbal communication stands out enough to be noticed and favor in any conversation.

Non-verbal Communication

Examination says that our correspondence comprises of 35% verbal correspondence and 65% non-verbal correspondence. This infers that whatever we talk willfully contains only 35% of what the other individual makes out of us. The excess 65% data about us is found out from our non-verbal communication. Our non-verbal communication helps other people distinguish our feelings, status and even our way of life.

Non-verbal correspondence assumes a critical job related to the expressed words. Our non-verbal correspondence can repeat our message, negate our words, strengthen our assertion, substitute the importance of our sentences and supplement the significance of our words. Since non-verbal correspondence can either underscore our point or negate it, it is important to keep our non-verbal communication in a state of harmony with our feelings. Any indication of contention between the non-verbal communication and our words can cause us to seem deceitful and misleading.

Working environment Success

Positive non-verbal communication is an unquestionable requirement in work environments and professional workplace. Sound non-verbal communication can help cultivate cooperation in the working environment, which can likewise support the resolve of the representatives. Appointment of duties gets simpler through sure non-verbal communication. It can likewise help in passing on regard for partners and settling clashes in the association.

During corporate gatherings, one can show revenue, gathering, and euphoria utilizing positive non-verbal communication. A delicate grin, open palms, inclining forward and eye to eye connection can go far in setting up compatibility with someone else in the gathering in this manner helping construct and support a solid relationship with the other parties in a gathering.

Public Speaking

Openly, non-verbal communication expects an out and out various significance. In the event that the speaker has a cautious non-verbal communication or has a latent non-verbal communication, there are high possibilities that the person in question won't be tuned in to eagerly by the crowd. The effect factor of such discourses likewise is diminished by an enormous part as the crowd gets 35% of the whole correspondence yet misses the leftover 65%. Henceforth, it's exceptionally imperative to have legitimate body developments and stance while talking in front of an audience before a group of people.

Non-verbal communication is significant in all types of correspondence. It assists with breaking the boundary of newness and assists with framing a superior associate with the beneficiary of data.

"Effective communication is 20% what you know and 80% how you feel about what you know"

Monday, December 21, 2020

Fashion Trends, Latest Fashion Ideas and Style Tips!!!

 Fashion is a popular style or practice, especially inclothing, footwear, accessories, makeup, body piercing, or furniture. Fashion is a distinctive and often habitual trend in the style in which a person dresses. It is the prevailing styles in behavior and the newest creations of textile designers. Because the more technical term costume is regularly linked to the term "fashion", the use of the former has been relegated to special senses like fancy dress or masquerade wear, while "fashion" generally means clothing, including the study of it. Although aspects of fashion can be feminine or masculine, some trends are androgynous.

This term does not just define all the latest or the most popular or the most famous clothes. In reality this social phenomenon involves more importance. In some way fashion helps us to show who we are and depict our personality in the terms of visual information. In the way we choosing clothes we show our attitude to world and other people. It is also some kind of communication. We put some of our personality at everything, how we behave at different situations, what we eat and which style of clothes we choose at shops. All the parts of it build the main stream of fashion. But in spite of our personality every person at the world have something in common. Even if it’s the smallest thing. All over the world there are a lot of people who have the same tastes, who choose the same food and trousers of the same kind. There are a lot of traits which build the fashion of today.

Nowadays the global industrial revolution and the modern enhancements create trends which we call fashion. And the trends influence our life. All tends which influence us show which social group we belong to. It is called common replete identical life style. The most representative trend is wearing the latest and getting things which considered to be fashionable. Modern society create fashion on branding. There are not companies and manufactures anymore. Customers think in the terms of brands. Entrepreneurs are able to occupy niche and communicate to their target market offering people of a definite life style what they want and need, Or even create a demand by themselves. Watches, shoes, jewelry, sun glasses…. Fashion creates styles of everything we wear. The same is true t the attitude of cuisines. They have their own identity. French people and those who love French cuisine eat Coq au van. Fans of Chenese food prefer chicken corn soup, etc.

But you should not inhibit the true meaning of modern fashion. What is the essential sense of fashion? It is all about how society feels itself mentally. Fake fashion has not life. There is not any chances to survive for it. People and societies create fashion and make it the standard of life. That’s why modern trends represent the condition of society and carry what we call an environment. Fashion is the representative of modern ethics also. If you do not like the modern fashion you do not like the condition of modern society.

Fashion is something we deal with everyday. Even people who say they don’t care what they wear choose clothes every morning that say a lot about them and how they feel that day.

Why is it important?

Fashion is a means of self-expression that allows people to try on many roles in life. Whether you prefer hip-hop or Chanel-chic, fashion accommodates the chameleon in all of us. It’s a way of celebrating the diversity and variety of the world in which we live. Fashion is about change which is necessary to keep life interesting. It’s also a mirror of sorts on society. It’s a way of measuring a mood that can be useful in many aspects, culturally, socially even psychologically. At the same time, fashion shouldn’t be taken too seriously or you lose the fun of it.

How do you choose what to wear in the morning?

It depends on my day, mood and what’s clean. If I have an important meeting or presentation, I put more thought into what I will wear. But on my most days, I dress to my mood which can range from funky to retro to classical. Then again, there are days when my laundry basket dictates what I ultimately wear.

"Fashion is the armor to survive the reality of everyday life."

--------------------->>>>>>>Any Doubt About Fashion Click Here<<<<<<---------------------

Friday, December 18, 2020

How to dress for success: Workplace attire tips and suggestions!!!

Business clothing has changed essentially throughout the long term, particularly over the most recent 20 years. Such a large number of individuals have failed to remember why legitimate business clothing is significant. 

A few organizations want to permit – and even urge – workers to dress unreservedly or nonchalantly for comfort. This will in general function admirably in more imaginative workplaces. Nonetheless, different organizations will ordinarily energize as well as require a more characterized and expert clothing regulation to keep an expert picture of themselves and the business where workers regularly interface consistently with possibilities, customers and colleagues. 

Clashes emerge when representatives want to dress serenely or in the latest styles instead of understand the significance for them to introduce themselves in a more expert or traditionalist way. 

The significant motivation behind why dressing in legitimate business clothing is significant for each business proficient is on the grounds that it presents a visual picture and communicates something specific that the workers are proficient. 

Another motivation behind why dressing in legitimate business clothing is significant in the business world is on the grounds that no one can really tell when you will be needed to meet with somebody from outside your organization. 

Your picture to this untouchable will be the picture of your organization that is recollected. In professional interactions, this picture and message should be proficient. That picture could by implication mean the distinction between making sure about another arrangement, agreement or deal and losing the occasion to make that bargain. 

The significance of a clothing regulation differs fairly by industry. Be that as it may, the relationship between's the two is for the most part solid. Appearance positioned second just to relational abilities when respondents named characteristics regularly connected with polished methodology, as per a 2010 public survey led by the Center for Professional Excellence at York College of Pennsylvania.

"Dressing Well Is A Form Of Good Manner"

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

How to introduce yourself Professionally!!

 How you present yourself to your colleagues, supervisor and clients is crucial to how people perceive you, as well as to your career development.

Your attire and accessories play an important role. In fact, according to a PR Newswire article titled “Survey Shows How Clothing Affects Promotion Prospects,” in 2013, 80 percent of executives believed that an employee’s style of dress somewhat or significantly affected his or her chances of getting a promotion.

The condition of your workplace is also a contributing factor. A messy workspace could be attributed to laziness and that’s not a quality you want to be known for at work.

Similarly, your attitude and behavior are critical. If you’re always friendly, polite, and enthusiastic, you’ll come across as being more capable and professional than if you complain a lot or are rude to coworkers.

To make sure you always present yourself professionally, keep the following tips in mind:

Make sure your attire is consistent with the company culture. This will differ from company to company, as well as between industries. If you work in a bank or insurance company, formal attire such as a business suit, shirt and tie are appropriate. On the opposite end of the spectrum, if you work at a design studio or tech start up, casual attire, including jeans and sneakers, is more likely to be acceptable.

Make sure you’re well groomed. Your clothes should be clean and wrinkle-free, without holes or missing buttons. Shine scuffed shoes. Regularly get a trim for short hairstyles or bangs and if you colour your hair, make sure to do so regularly to avoid root issues.

Accessorize appropriately. Accessories speak volumes about people—both in terms of care and style. Since style is highly personal, the most important thing to bear in mind when accessorizing is to select pieces that are in good shape and appropriate for the company culture. For example, cufflinks, a tiepin and a leather briefcase are appropriate for a bank employee or lawyer. If you work at a tech start-up, you should probably have a relatively new smartphone and tablet. Remember: if an accessory is worn or broken, replace it.

Dress according to the position you want. If you’re aspiring to a management position and managers at your company dress more formally, follow their lead. This will make you appear more suitable for the role.

Be mindful of your workspace. Keep your workspace clean and organized. Again, you can let your work environment guide you as to how much you can personalize it. In some companies, it’s best to keep it to a framed photo of your kids and a nice paperweight, while in other companies, you can decorate your cubicle or office with anything from coloured sticky notes potted plants. It’s best to stay away from lots of humorous postcards or novelty items, since they can subconsciously convey the impression that you’re not serious about your job.

Behave professionally. No matter how casual your work environment, it’s critical that you behave professionally at all times. Consistently deliver good work, meet deadlines and be on time for meetings. Always be polite and positive even when others aren’t.

Presenting yourself professionally is all about knowing what the standard is in your company or industry and finding a way to adhere to it without losing your individuality. Keep these tips in mind and you’ll soon learn how to present yourself to your best professional advantage.

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